domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

...for you

Man & Woman in a diner. Food in the table; nobody's touching it. She's staring at him, he looks down to the table while grabbing his head. She breaks the silence...

W: I need space, I need the time just to figure out who I am you know? It's not you, (she mutters) it's TOTALLY NOT's me and it's like the timing of it. I'm trying to find out who I am and I can't really do that if I'm still trying to find out who you are at the same time you know and...

He interrupts. She seems nervous; she might not know what she's doing, nevertheless there's no way back. He seems calmed by answering to all of this only by asking the waitress for an extra plate.

M: Can I get an extra plate please?

W: ...I feel like we gave it a really good go you know but it's just time for us to move on…(voice fades).

Man stares at her. Her lips are moving but no sound is percieved. There's a tender look in his eyes, though his face remains "senseless" as if dead.
Waitress brings plate.
He nods in sign of affirmation although he's not listening to a word she's saying.
She looks nervous; it seems like she's trying to justify something; there's a subtle scent of sweat in the ambient. She gesticulates; his numbness surprises her.
Man grabs a knife and STICKS IT to his chest. Regardless the numbness there's a feeble painful look in his face. He's still alive; he puts his hand INTO his chest and sticks it through the the cut.There's pain, not physical but pain. He seems to have grabbed onto something…he starts to pull....there's a blood spurt as he bursts his arm out of his chest while grabbing his heart. There's more sadness than pain in his face; eyes turn to crystal, heart is placed into plate, he gasps... Heart's still beating on the plate. Funnily there's a sweet tender look in his face as he gives the plate to the woman while saying:

M: For you.

W: You DO realize I'm breaking up with you right?

M: That's the strange thing, IT'S ACTUALLY YOURS NOW. I don't know why it works this way but I'm never gonna' be able to get over you and so, from now on, every girl that I meet will be meticulously compared to you, and unfortunately NONE of them will be able to measure up to the FALSE memory of what you and I once "HAD".

He gesticulates the quotation marks.
She looks nervous. She's muttering.

W: Well maybe I can just keep it for a little while and use it for small things like...ummm... I don't know... like when I have a really shitty day and I need someone to talk to or if I need someone to move something really heavy and then, eventually, I'll give it back to you when we find someone else.

This seems like a very good idea for her; she's hoping he buys it.
Asking her not to be naive with a gentle look he responds:

M: Unfortunately it won't work that way.
W: Why Not?
M: Well, now that you have my heart I'm pretty much an empty cavity inside; for a lack of a better term "heartless". I will now treat each woman I meet with a passive-aggressive contentionness that will ruin relationship after relationship for many years to come.

She's looking at him as if she understood every word he said, though she doesn't get it.
She's surpirsed.
She looks at the heart beating in the plate...